Burnie Local Provision Schedule

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The Tasmanian government has replaced municipal planning schemes with a single Tasmanian Planning Scheme to manage how all land in Tasmania is used, developed, protected and conserved.

The Burnie City Council in its capacity as a planning authority has prepared a Burnie Local Provisions Schedule (BUR LPS)  to establish how the Tasmanian Planning Scheme is to apply for the land within the Burnie municipal area, which was approved on 11 May 2020.

The Tasmanian Planning Scheme came into effect on 22 July 2020 and with the associated BUR LPS replaced the Burnie Interim Planning Scheme 2013.

The links below provide access to the documents comprising the BUR LPS, and supporting documents.

For further information please contact Council on 03 6430 5700 and speak to one of our planning officers.


Interactive Map Tool (Zones and Codes)

BUR LPS Zone Maps and Overlay Maps Interactive Tool