Emissions that are likely to unreasonably interfere with a person's enjoyment of the environment are known as environmental nuisances.
As a community we can prevent environmental nuisances from causing concern, loss of sleep, interference to activities, health risks, or emotional stress.
For detailed information regarding environmental nuisances please visit the Tasmanian Environment Protection Authority website or email eho@burnie.tas.gov.au
Noise in the community has a variety of sources, of which power tools, trail bikes, industry, entertainment, lawn mowers, heat pumps and animals are the most common.
Noise Regulations outline permissible hours of use for certain types of noise sources.
If you have a problem with unreasonable noise, the quickest and easiest way of resolving problems first is to discuss it with the person causing the noise. Often people are not making the noise on purpose, and may not even realise they are disrupting you.
For noise complaints outside of office hours please contact Tasmania Police, who will be able to deal with any complaints and non-emergency calls: 131 444
For more information refer to the Tasmanian Environment Protection Authority website or email the Council's Environmental Health Department eho@burnie.tas.gov.au
Wood Heater Smoke
Excessive smoke from wood heaters can be a nuisance to your neighbours.
There are products on the market that help make wood heaters burn more efficiently and reduce the amount of pollution emitted. Having your flue swept annually will ensure it is in good working order and free from build-up.
Backyard Burning (Incinerators)
Tasmania has regulations that are aimed at improving air quality by placing controls on backyard burning in the open or using an incinerator on blocks less than 2,000 square metres in area.
Most residential house lots are between 600m2 and 1,200m2 so this restriction affects the majority of urban households.
The legislation does not prevent fire hazard reduction burn-off on large properties but does prohibit the burning of rubbish, plastics and other hazardous substances.
The Tasmanian Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) provides information and public health alerts for air quality at sites around Tasmania using real-time data.
For further information please consult the Improving Air Quality - Regulations on Backyard Burning and the Regulations on Wood Heater Emissions brochures issued by the Environmental Protection Authority.
For further information or advice email Council’s Environmental Health Department on eho@burnie.tas.gov.au
Inquiries relating to asbestos on your property or workplace should be referred to Worksafe Tasmania on 1300 366 322
For information regarding Asbestos Safety and Removal from WorkSafe Tasmania: Safety subjects - Asbestos which includes a list of current Tasmanian Licensed Removalists.
We can all make a difference by making better choices about the type of packaging we buy, lead a good example when disposing rubbish, encourage those around us to do the right thing, and take action if witnessing illegal dumping.
To report a pollution and environmental incident (eg Illegal Dumping) phone 1800 005 172
To report a Littering Offence: Telephone: 1300 135 513 or lodge a report online
To report an incident of littering or illegal dumping on Council land use the Snap Send Solve app.
Hoarding and Rubbish
Hoarding is defined as a debilitating psychological disorder characterised by the collection of a large volume of possessions.
Signs include:
- Large amounts of disorganised clutter that creates chaos in the home
- Rooms that can no longer be used as they were intended
- Moving through the home is difficult and exits are blocked
Attempts to clean out the homes of people who hoard without treating the underlying problem usually fail. Sometimes the problem can recur within a few months. Hoarders whose homes are cleared without their consent often experience extreme distress and may become further attached to their possessions. This may lead to their refusal of future help.
We have the task of balancing the rights of the resident to make choices about their objects and how they live, with the risk to public health as a result of the inappropriate management of untreated sewage and the accumulation of refuse.
For further information or advice email Council’s Environmental Health Department on eho@burnie.tas.gov.au
Building owners are responsible for providing a structurally sound and healthy living environment.
Occupants are responsible for managing their use of the building in a manner that does not lead to unhealthy living conditions such as mould.
Mould needs moisture to grow. To prevent it from happening make sure your home is dry and well-aired.
Here are some tips:
- Open doors and windows when you can while you are home
- Open windows or use an extractor fan when you are cooking, using the shower or bath or using a clothes dryer
- Wipe condensation off ceilings, walls and windows or hang washing outside to dry
The longer you leave mould, the worse it becomes. Clean it as soon as you can with either tee tree oil, vinegar or bleach.
For more information refer to DHHS Fact Sheet on Damp, Condensation and Mould (Housing Tasmania).
For further information or advice email Council’s Environmental Health Department on eho@burnie.tas.gov.au
Council manages pests and vermin infestations on Council properties only.
Residents are responsible for dealing with all pests on their land, either directly or by engaging an appropriately qualified pest contractor.
Pests are creatures that are seen as undesirable either from a health and hygiene perspective or for their nuisance value or economic impact.
For more information refer to DHHS Fact Sheet on Pests and Vermin (Housing Tasmania)
For further information or advice email Council’s Environmental Health Department on eho@burnie.tas.gov.au
For information on keeping animals in a backyard or small acreage please refer to the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment website
For further information or advice email Council’s Environmental Health Department on eho@burnie.tas.gov.au