Green Light for North Terrace Visitor Accommodation Private Investment to Build $12m Multi-Storey Accommodation Development in Burnie
Burnie Courts Complex Relocation Project The Burnie Court Complex project will build a new facility at 100-106 Wilson St, featuring one Supreme Court, two Magistrate Courts, and an additional shared court, replacing the outdated current facility.
North West Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) Upgrade State Growth Transport Services is installing CCTV systems across North West Tasmania to improve road safety by collecting real-time vehicle data. Installations will occur at 19 locations in the Burnie CBD and along the Bass Highway between Burnie and Cooee.
Wivenhoe Underpass Bass Highway State Growth Transport Services will repair and strengthen the Wivenhoe Underpass on the Bass Highway..
Youth2Independence Y2I Youth Foyer Stubbs Constructions is building a 25-bed facility to provide supported accommodation, education, and employment options for young people in North-West Tasmania. The site is located next to the Burnie TasTAFE campus and Hellyer College, it will be operated by Youth Family and Community Connections (YFCC).
A new Woolworths is coming to Burnie! You're invited to share your ideas around what would make Woolworths and this location a shopping destination of choice for you. Send an email to or call 02 6185 3301.Take a short survey by following the QR code before 30 June 2024 to share your thoughts.
Renewable Energy Zones The Tasmanian Government has been exploring ways to meet extra energy demand that protects Tasmanian environmental values, supports industry, and benefits Tasmanian communities. Renewable Energy Zones (REZ) are a way to achieve this.
Cradle Coast Future Energy Hub Tasmania's West and North West region (the Cradle Coast) is rapidly emerging as a REZ renewable energy development zone. Discover more about renewable energy projects including Hellyer Wind Farm, HIF eFuels Facility, Marinus Link, and NW Transmission Developments in Burnie.
TasNetworks' North West Transmission Developments TasNetworks' North West Transmission Developments project is a once-in-a-generation upgrade to the electricity transmission network. The upgrade is needed to support Tasmania’s ambition to become a world-leading renewable energy provider and double clean energy production by 2040
Old Surrey Road and Massy-Greene Drive Upgrades The Australian and Tasmanian Governments have committed $20 million to improve productivity and safety along Mount Street, Old Surrey Road and Massy-Greene Drive.
Bass Hwy Pedestrian Crossings The Department of State Growth has committed to improving pedestrian crossing facilities across the Bass Highway in seven locations from Ocean Vista to Somerset.
Agricultural Training Centre of Excellence In September 2023, TasTAFE opened a $5 million Agricultural Training Centre of Excellence at Freer Farm, Burnie. The modern facility provides industry-relevant skills and training through a farm-based learning center, fostering collaboration with the sector.
Tasrail Shiploader Project The commissioning of the Tasrail Shiploader at Burnie Port is scheduled for 2023. It is expected to double the current infrastructure's loading rate and offer substantial benefits in terms of reliability, safety, and the environment.
Marinus Link Marinus Link is a proposed two-way electricity and telecommunications interconnector between Victoria and Tasmania. Plans include a convertor station site at Heybridge.