Visit the Little Penguins Friends of Burnie Penguins provide a free interpretative guided experience to visitors to the Burnie Little Blue Fairy Penguin colony.
Please: Do not feed the Ducks 🚫 Burnie City Council will be installing new signs at Romaine Reserve to educate visitors to not feed ducks. Feeding can cause illness and deformities and increase waterway pollution and nuisance algae. Feeding can also cause less foraging for their native foods and dependency on humans.
Injured or Orphaned Wildlife If you find Sick, Injured, or Orphaned wildlife contact Bonorong Wildlife Rescue: Call 0447 264 625 (24/7 service) for assistance.
Bees Tasmania is home to over 100 species of native bees, which play a crucial role as pollinators for the state's native plants and forests.
Snakes All three species are protected under Tasmanian law. They play a key role in maintaining ecological balance by controlling small animal populations. If left undisturbed, they pose little threat.