Romaine Reserve

Bob Iddon's 2012 Burnie photos, low res. JPegs (25).jpg

Romaine Reserve forms part of a walkway and boardwalk that circumnavigates Burnie and can also be used for cycling or relaxing.

It features a fitness track that winds around a dam on Romaine Creek containing domestic and wildfowl.

The Reserve contains remnant and exotic vegetation, with large mountain ashes, white gums, sub-storey blackwoods and man ferns.


Dogs are allowed to be walked through the Reserve along the formed walking track if they are on a lead. Dogs are not permitted in the reserve area between the dam wall and the pond's southern end.


Please refrain from feeding the ducks, as it can cause illness and deformities plus increase waterway pollution and nuisance algae. Feeding can also cause less foraging for the duck’s native foods and therefore a dependency on humans.

Do Not feed the ducks.png


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First & Last Names / Company


Romaine Reserve, 11 Amanda Court, Romaine 7320  View Map and directions

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